Visit the Staples Train Depot & AMTRAK station

Where the east meets the west! Stop by the 112-year-old Staples train depot and immerse yourself in local history! Owned and operated by the Staples Historical Society, the Historic Northern Pacific Railroad Depot’s ground floor has been completely restored, preserving the original oak woodwork, and adding new restrooms– the building’s structure while retaining its rich and beautiful past. For those who love history, this is a “must see.”

Enjoy the train depot’s lobby wall photos on display highlighting the past railroad era While you’re there, make sure to tour the west room depot mini-museum exhibiting Staples’ rich railroad history and people from the past.

Staples is still considered a hub in the railroading industry, handling between 40 to 50 trains each day. This train depot serves as the northernmost AMTRAK station in Minnesota with daily passenger rail service east (Chicago) and west (Seattle) via the Empire Builder.

Hours: The AMTRAK station lobby is open 24/7. The train depot mini-museum is open through Railroad Days in August and by request. 

The Staples Historical Society (SHS) meets the third Thursday of each month. 

For more information, call Tom Kajer: (218)-894-2906.